Truck Accidents
The streets and freeways around Los Angeles see a great deal of truck traffic. Commercial trucks come in all sizes from smaller delivery trucks to the monsters known as eighteen wheelers and tractor trailers.
Even a relatively small truck which delivers water or soft drinks when loaded outweighs the average passenger vehicle by a considerable amount. This accounts for the frequency of devastating injuries and fatalities when there is a truck accident.
Collisions between trucks and pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles and cars have become a more common occurrence as businesses grow and the population expands. Truck accidents must be treated very differently than a family car accident.
For this reason anyone who has been injured in a truck accident is strongly urged to work with an attorney with many years of experience in bringing this type of claim for compensation to a successful conclusion.

The laws governing trucking companies and their customers, shippers and truck drivers are complex. Depending upon the circumstances of a specific accident, it may be necessary untangle complicated business structures and relationship in order to correctly identify the entities which are liable. Add to this, truckers and trucking companies are generally insured by mammoth insurance companies who remain profitable by fighting to avoid payouts of large amounts in damages to accident victims.
When you are looking for a law firm to help you win the compensation you deserve, select an experienced truck accident lawyer who not only cares about your future well-being but has an intimate working knowledge to the federal and state regulations which apply to commercial trucks and is ready to do everything necessary to ensure you receive the maximum in damages.
A person who has been seriously injured by a truck can face a very long road to recovery. Depending upon your injuries, the damages which you claim could include medical expenses, future medical care, pain and suffering, loss of income past and future, pain and suffering, emotional distress and wrongful death and other directly related losses. An established personal injury lawyer at our firm is a skilled and aggressive litigator who prepares to take the case to a jury should the defendants prove unwilling to offer a fair settlement. Call the Law Offices of Berriz Law Group for an appointment.
For the full-service legal representation you need after being injured, contact an accident lawyer at the firm.